Divorce and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Mediation – Alternative Dispute Resolution – Tampa

Many people fear that a divorce will be a long, drawn-out and emotionally contentious process. While it is true that some divorce cases wind up being fiercely contested affairs, there are alternatives to the traditional litigation process that can prove to be a better fit for most couples.
Beth Reineke, of Reineke Mediations, is a Tampa alternative dispute resolution attorney who is committed to providing out-of-court solutions to divorcing couples. A former litigator, attorney Reineke now handles cases exclusively through mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. She is prepared to fully explain your options and to help guide you through this process.
The Benefits of a Mediated Divorce
Attorney Reineke believes that there are a number of benefits to reaching a mediated divorce agreement versus an agreement that is determined by the courts. Divorce mediation is more civilized than traditional divorce proceedings. The adversarial nature of litigated proceedings tends to intensify emotions between couples. Mediation enables couples to reach an agreement on their own terms.
Divorce proceedings and hearings that take place in court and many documents that are filed in these proceedings are made part of the public record. This can be discouraging to couples who do not want sensitive personal or financial information exposed to the public at large. Mediation is entirely private, which means your confidential information will stay confidential.
A mediated divorce is often significantly less expensive than a traditional divorce. You will not have to endure drawn-out filings, motions and hearings, all of which are considered billable hours at your expense. Pre-suit mediation allows you to schedule negotiations on your own time, which can result in significant cost savings.
Mediation Can Work for All Types of Divorce Cases
Mediation is not limited to simple, uncontested divorce cases. It can also be used for complex divorce cases involving significant assets. It can also be beneficial for cases involving military divorce and the various unique issues that arise in such cases.
The tools that are used in divorce mediation can also apply to nontraditional families, including unmarried couples, as well as same sex couples. In fact, the courts have even recognized how important mediation is in certain cases. Court-ordered mediation is required under Florida law in order to help couples reach an agreement on certain decisions before looking to a judge. Regardless of the situation you are facing, Reineke Mediations’ divorce lawyer, Beth Reineke, is prepared to serve as your neutral mediator to help you reach an agreement all parties can live with.
Contact a Hillsborough County Divorce Mediator
You are not required to go through the family court system to secure a divorce. Attorney Beth Reineke of Reineke Mediations can help you reach a more civilized solution. Contact us online or call (813) 205-6675 for a free phone consultation. From Beth’s Tampa law office, attorney Reineke welcomes couples from Hillsborough County, Pinellas County and Pasco County.