Resolving Relocation and Move-Away Disputes Through Mediation

Relocation and move-away disputes are particularly challenging because they involve significant changes that can profoundly impact the lives of both parents and children. These disputes often evoke strong emotions, touching

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What Happens If Settlements Cannot Be Reached During Family Law Mediation in Florida?

Participating in family law mediation is often a legal requirement and a beneficial process. The court typically mandates mediation (link to Is Divorce Mediation Required blog) before a case can proceed to

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What’s New in Florida Child Visitation and Timesharing? HB 1301

At Reineke Mediations, our Florida family law attorney and mediator, Beth Reineke, knows that child visitation and timesharing agreements are a priority when married or partnering parents of minor children divorce

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Changing Your Name at the Time of Your Florida Divorce; Yes or No?

Introduction In Florida, changing your name as part of a divorce process is relatively straightforward, but there are different legal pathways depending on whether you want to revert to your

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Uncontested Divorce; Agreement on All Points – Why You Still Need the Assistance of a Neutral Attorney/Mediator

Navigating a divorce, even an uncontested one, can be a challenging and emotionally taxing process. Once you and your spouse have reached an agreement on all points, the next critical

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How to Categorize and Divide Assets and Liabilities During Pre-Suit Divorce Mediation in Florida

Beth Reineke, founder of Reineke Mediations, fully understands that one of pre-suit mediation’s advantages is recognizing and resolving financial disputes during the initial phase of a Florida divorce before this

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Florida Supreme Court Ruling Allows Some Divorcing Couples to Waive Filing Financial Affidavits in Florida

The Florida Supreme Court has approved a Family Law Rules Committee proposal that significantly changes the process for divorcing couples. Under certain circumstances, they can waive the filing of financial

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Florida SB1416 Alimony Reform

Florida's legislature has passed a bill that significantly reforms the state's alimony laws, affecting divorces finalized on or after July 1, 2023. The bill eliminates permanent alimony, caps durational alimony,

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The Benefits of Pre-Suit Divorce Mediation vs. Divorce Litigation

When couples find themselves facing the challenging prospect of divorce, they often have to navigate complex legal processes that can be emotionally and financially draining. As a seasoned family law

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Changes To Florida Divorce Procedure – Financial Affidavits Do Not Have To Be Filed In Uncontested Divorce Proceedings

The Florida Supreme Court has approved a Family Law Rule Committee proposal that permits divorcing couples, under certain circumstances, to waive the requirement that their financial affidavits be filed with

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Former Clients Say it Best

Explore Litigation Alternatives

Attorney Beth Reineke devotes her law practice exclusively to mediation and other alternative dispute resolution services in divorce, paternity and family law. If you are committed to resolving conflicts without going to war, contact Reineke Mediations for a free telephone consultation. Our Tampa, Florida mediator conducts in person and virtual sessions with couples who live in and about the Tampa Bay Area – primarily, Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco Counties.

Call 813-205-6675 or contact us using the form below.

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