Trusted Tampa Divorce & Family Law Mediator
Family Law Mediation, Parent Coordination, Collaborative Divorce & More
Because of the long-reaching implications of a divorce or custody dispute, especially the negative aftermath of litigation, one of the best decisions you can make is to seek expert assistance as soon as possible.
At Reineke Mediations, our founding attorney is a Florida Supreme Court Certified divorce mediator. Attorney Reineke’s 30 plus years of experience as a divorce and custody lawyer includes extensive training and practice in mediation, parent coordination, and collaborative family law. Beth Reineke is eminently qualified to oversee the most complex and contentious family disputes and bring parties together to forge a resolution.
Learn more by scheduling your free consultation! Call (813) 205-6675 or contact us online to get started with our Tampa divorce and family lawyer today.
A Hillsborough County Family Law
Attorney Dedicated to Out-of-Court Solutions
Tampa divorce mediator, Beth Reineke, intentionally ended her litigation practice in 2005 to focus exclusively on alternatives to litigation. As a licensed attorney with years of courtroom experience and a certified mediator who is trained, approved, and regulated by the Supreme Court, she is eminently qualified to help resolve the most complex and sticky disputes.
Some of the Family law matters Reineke Mediations can help you and your loved ones resolve outside of court include:
- Divorce mediation: An experienced attorney-mediator can help you discuss your differences, find common ground solutions, and customize your marital settlement agreement. Attorney Reineke handles both pre-suit (voluntary) and post-filing (court-ordered) mediations.
- Parent coordination: A trained parent coordinator can bring sanity and solutions to high-conflict child custody disputes, enabling co-parents to communicate, cooperate, and agree on a parenting plan and shared parenting roles without resorting to litigation.
- Uncontested divorce: If you agree on all facets of asset division, parenting arrangements, child support, and alimony, Attorney Reineke can draft your settlement agreements and all the necessary court documents for you to obtain your divorce. The mediation setting allows couples to work together with one neutral professional, rather than an advocate who is only representing the interests of one of the parties and who may intentionally slant the marital agreement and/or parenting plan in favor of their client.
- Collaborative divorce: In divorces with complex assets or custody disputes, collaborative divorce is another alternative to divorce litigation. Like traditional mediation, the focus is on settlement and not litigation. The spouses and their collaboratively trained attorneys sign an agreement not to litigate, setting the tone for an amicable settlement. Learn more.
Scope of Practice in Divorce & Family Law
Attorney/Mediator Beth Reineke mediates divorce and family law cases filed in Tampa, Brandon, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and the surrounding Tampa Bay Area. Her extensive experience enables clients to achieve creative and comprehensive solutions in every facet of the law.
- Alimony: Temporary alimony, durational alimony, rehabilitative alimony, transitional and bridge-the-gap alimony, , and other types of spousal support.
- Child custody, visitation, and time sharing: Paternity, custody, visitation, time sharing, relocation, and interstate jurisdictional issues.
- Child support: Child support calculations, temporary child support awards, child support orders, child support enforcement, and child support modification.
- Divorce: Contested divorce and uncontested divorce, no-fault divorce, and legal separation.
- Divorce agreements: Marital settlement agreements, separation agreements, parenting agreements, time-sharing agreements, custody, visitation, and property agreements.
- Divorce mediation: Neutral third party for mediating disagreements over custody, financial support, or property division that have halted the divorce process.
- Enforcement: Creative solutions for child support enforcement and enforcement of alimony awards, marital agreements, and divorce judgments.
- Marital property: Division of marital property, division and equitable distribution of marital assets and marital liabilities.
- Post-judgment modification: Alimony, child custody, timesharing (visitation), and child support.
- Relocation: Relocations and modifications of visitation and time sharing.
- Shared parenting: Shared parenting, shared parental responsibility, and sole parental responsibility.
- Temporary relief: Temporary alimony, temporary child support, temporary visitation and time sharing, temporary exclusive use of the marital home, and other types of temporary relief.
Tampa Divorce Mediator & Parent Coordinator
Ready to discuss your family law matter with a competent, compassionate, and experienced family law attorney/mediator? To schedule a mediation or to get additional information about our services, contact us today for a free phone consultation with Tampa divorce and family law mediator Attorney Beth Reineke.
Please call (813) 205-6675 or contact us online.